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Organosilicon... New functional areas have made major breakthroughs!

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Recently, the scientific and technological achievements of "organic functional fertilizer treatment of saline alkali soil" jointly completed by Hebei Silicon Valley Agricultural Research Institute and Hebei Silicon Valley fertilizer Co., Ltd. passed the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements organized by the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas in Beijing. The expert group agreed that organosilicon functional fertilizer has multiple functions of improving saline alkali soil and supplementing nutrient elements, which can effectively promote the formation of soil aggregate structure and accelerate salt leaching; activate soil nutrients and improve salt resistance of crops. At present, six series of products have been formed. The product development and product application technology have reached the international advanced level of similar research, and reached the international leading level in the improvement technology of saline alkali land. It has explored a new way for the improvement and management of saline alkali land in China, and opened the first technology of organic functional fertilizer for the treatment of saline alkali soil.

The expert group listened to the work report, research report, novelty search report, application report, etc. made by Hebei Silicon Valley Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Hebei Silicon Valley fertilizer Co., Ltd., the project completion unit, and reviewed the relevant technical data. After questioning, answering and serious discussion, the expert group formed the following identification opinions: the organic functional fertilizer technology successfully solved the problem that the saline alkali soil could not be planted The following innovations have been achieved in the world-wide problems of planting:

First, we have developed the organosilicon functional fertilizer formed by organosilicon material and compound fertilizer, and formed six series of products, including organosilicon organic fertilizer, organosilicon high tower fertilizer, organosilicon liquid fertilizer, organosilicon foliar fertilizer and organosilicon special fertilizer, which have become the functional production of "reducing weight, increasing efficiency and green development", controlling soil pollution, preventing and controlling diseases and pests, enriching soil organic matter, and helping to upgrade crop quality Products, favored by the market.

Secondly, organosilicon functional fertilizer has many functions of improving and controlling saline alkali soil and supplementing nutrient elements. The application technology is simple and easy, and the improvement effect is immediate. It creates a set of technical system for improving and controlling saline alkali soil in China, and realizes the breakthrough of controlling saline alkali soil.

Thirdly, organosilicon functional fertilizer can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, accelerate the leaching of salt; remove soil hardening, increase soil porosity, slow down the accumulation of salt in deep soil to the surface; regulate the transformation of soil pH value to neutral; increase organic matter, promote microbial reproduction, activate soil nutrients, improve the salt resistance of crops, create a good growth environment for crop roots, and significantly improve the operation Material output.

Fourth, the research and development of organosilicon functional fertilizer has obtained 3 invention patents, with an area of 6.65 million mu promoted in the improvement of saline alkali soil in five major regions of the country. The physical and chemical properties of saline alkali soil have been improved significantly, creating an output value benefit of 1.9216 billion yuan.

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