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Main application fields of silicone rubber 4

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8. Molding

Organosilicon is an ideal material for industrial manufacturers, artists or craftsmen to make various solid but elastic molds. Silicone rubber compounds are easy to process, do not need expensive equipment, and can adjust the working time and curing speed. The flexibility and excellent demoulding properties mean that the silicone rubber can be easily separated from the mold and can be reused. Silicone rubber prototype can be used for design and production of molds, wax molds or small products. Silicone molds can be used for all types of replica materials, including wax, gypsum, concrete, casting resin and low melting point alloy.

9. Industrial production

Silicone rubber can be used for mass industrial production: art reproduction (collections, sculptures, statues, statues, antiques), artificial jewelry and decorative buttons, electroforming parts, food molds (ice, chocolate, candy), artificial leather, gypsum production models for porcelain and sanitary ware production, decorative doors, windows, mirrors, picture frames, furniture front decoration, etc.

10. Product replication

Silicone rubber can be used for reproduction: antiques, antiques, building prefabrication, furniture parts, personal hobbies, museum exhibits, and reconstructed stone tools.

11. Semiconductor

Silicon rubber sealed semiconductors can be used in industrial motors, locomotives and power supplies requiring high-voltage switches; mobile base stations, satellites, radars and other high-frequency communications; aircraft engines, oil drilling and high-temperature applications of automotive electronic products.

12. Toy manufacturing

The toys and game equipment made of silicone rubber are durable, not afraid of biting, not afraid of wind and rain, waterproof, excellent touch, easy to color and can be sterilized at high temperature.

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