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The project of transforming the international standard of fumed silica for silicone rubber into group standard has been approved

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The 2019 group standard working conference of CFSA was successfully held in Shaowu, Fujian Province from December 11 to 13. The meeting reviewed the formulation of the second batch of group standards in 2018 and the application of the second batch of group standards in 2019. The project of fumed silica for silicone rubber proposed by Guangzhou HuiFu Research Institute Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yichang HuiFu silicon material Co., Ltd., has successfully passed the group standard project approval review. The project has been transformed into group standard through international standard iso18473-3.

(2019 group standard working conference of China fluorine silicon Association)

Iso18473-3:2018 "fumed silica for silicone rubber" was developed by Dr. Wang Yuelin, President of Research Institute of Yichang HuiFu silicon materials Co., Ltd. and chief promotion officer of ISO / tc256 (China), and was released and implemented in March 2018. The release and implementation of the standard marks a new breakthrough in the field of international standardization of nano materials in China, and shows that China's nano fumed silica products with independent intellectual property rights have a leading position in the international similar products.

The standard will play an important role in standardizing the products and market of fumed silica for silicone rubber in China and promoting the development of fumed silica and silicone rubber industry.

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