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How to distinguish the types of silicone rubber materials

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The identification of silicone rubber material types is determined through a series of tests and analyses. Firstly, the type of silicone rubber can be preliminarily determined by observing its appearance. Different types of silicone rubber have different colors, textures, and surface characteristics. For example, some silicone rubbers may exhibit a semi transparent or transparent appearance, while other types may exhibit different colors, such as white, gray, or black.

Secondly, hardness testing can further confirm the type of silicone rubber. The hardness of silicone rubber can be measured using a hardness tester. Different types of silicone rubber have different hardness ranges, so their types can be preliminarily determined based on hardness measurement results.

In addition, the elasticity and ductility of silicone rubber can be evaluated through tensile tests. Tensile testing can measure the degree of deformation and recovery ability of silicone rubber under stress. Different types of silicone rubber have different tensile properties. For example, some types of silicone rubber have higher elasticity and ductility, while others may have relatively lower properties.

Chemical analysis can also be used to further confirm the type of silicone rubber. The chemical composition of silicone rubber can be determined by using spectroscopic analysis techniques such as infrared spectroscopy or mass spectrometry. These technologies can help identify the composition, structure, and functional groups of silicone rubber, thereby determining its type.

In summary, identifying the type of silicone rubber material requires comprehensive consideration of various methods such as appearance observation, hardness testing, tensile testing, chemical analysis, etc., to ensure accuracy and reliability.

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