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Wrist pain, tendinitis

Hits: 3897019 2020-05-03

The tendons of human body are wrapped with closed synovium tubes, i.e. tendon sheath, just like the common wires in life. There is a layer of rubber sheath outside which is wrapped with metal wires inside.
It is divided into two layers around the tendon, the middle is the synovial cavity, the inner layer is closely attached to the tendon, the outer layer is lined in the tendon fiber sheath, and it is combined with the bone surface together, which has the function of fixing, protecting and lubricating the tendon from friction or compression.
In daily work and life, excessive frequent activities will cause excessive friction between tendon and tendon sheath, and then there will be aseptic inflammation such as hyperemia, edema, exudation, which is manifested as local pain, acid swelling and limited activity, "tenosynovitis" is also formed.
Classification of common tenosynovitis
Tendinitis occurs in the fingers, toes, wrists, ankles and shoulders, especially in the wrists and fingers.
Orthopedic experts said that the high prevalence of stenotic tenosynovitis of styloid process of radius, flexor tendon tenosynovitis and plantar flexor tendon synovitis.
Stenotic tenosynovitis of styloid process of radius
This type of tenosynovitis occurs at the bony process on the thumb side of the wrist. There were obvious pain around the bone process, limited thumb movement and local tenderness.
Self detection method: hold the thumb tightly in the other four fingers, and do wrist flexion to the inside of the wrist. If there is severe pain at the styloid process of radius, it is more likely to be tenosynovitis.
The relationship between tendinitis and tenosynovitis
There are many kinds of orthopedic inflammation, among them, tendinitis and tenosynovitis are like two brothers, which are closely related. The inflammation reaction of synovium can also involve the surrounding tendons, so these two diseases are associated.
Although very similar, but also pay attention to distinguish, not to confuse.
Unlike tenosynovitis, which can lead to joint flexion and extension dysfunction, tendinitis is mostly due to long-term and chronic contraction and strain of tendons, resulting in local inflammatory, media deposition and edema, and then fibrosis, but will not cause significant joint flexion and extension dysfunction.
Those with mild early symptoms
First of all, give your hand a holiday, that is, reduce the activity of the diseased part, so that the hand can be fully rested, which is the most basic and important point; in addition, you can do hot compress, massage, etc.
2 those with obvious symptoms and severe pain can use some anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. If there is no effect and the pain is limited to one point, they can be blocked (corticosteroid injection in the sheath)
3. Long and recurrent course author
When all the above treatments are ineffective, surgical treatment can be considered. Under the magnifying glass, the narrow part of the tendon sheath was cut and partially excised, so that the tendon sheath no longer squeezed the tendon.
How to stay away from tenosynovitis?
1 keep warm
When the hand is stimulated by cold, it is easy to lead to the stagnation of Qi and blood in the hand, which can not nourish the meridians, and then induce tenosynovitis.
Therefore, it is recommended that you do not let your hands get cold and cold in your life. It is better to wash your hands and laundry with warm water.
2 impact of trauma
When the tendon sheath is damaged, and bacteria invade into the sheath, it is very easy to cause inflammation, and then form tenosynovitis.
Therefore, we should pay attention to the protection of tendon sheath at ordinary times. Once injured, we can't support it, and we should see a doctor in time.
3 reduce strain
When doing some housework, do not use too much force on fingers and wrists; do not use too much time for continuous work and mobile phone playing, and move fingers and wrists every other hour; also pay attention to maintaining correct working posture when working, try to keep hands balanced, wrists can touch objects, and do not hang in the air.
It is suggested that people who frequently use mobile phones to type, play games, work with computers for a long time, manual tailors, assembly line workers, middle-aged and elderly people who have long-term heavy housework and baby care can often soak their hands and wrists in warm water, which is helpful to relieve fatigue and loosen their meridians.
4 point massage
Yangxi point: when the thumb is up, there is a depression between the thumb length and the extensor pollicis brevis tendon.

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