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Haiken micro film "Jiaolin 10000 Women's dream" starts broadcasting on May 1

Hits: 3896838 2020-05-02

Haiken micro film "Jiaolin 10000 Women's dream" starts broadcasting on May 1
function _typeof(e){ return e&&"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol?"symbol":typeof e; } !function(e){ if("object"===("undefined"==typeof module?"undefined":_typeof(module)))module.exports=e;else{ if(window.__second_open__)return; Var t = "the microfilm" women in the rubber forest "tells a touching story of 15 women in the women's rubber cutting class of the Red Star 16 team of Hainan rubber Honghua branch of the" national red flag group on March 8 "who devoted their youth to the rubber industry, and under the call of a new round of Hainan agricultural reclamation reform, they are determined to forge ahead, make friends and build dreams together. The creation of the film is based on the real story of the women's rubber cutting class, recording the ordinary and shining moments of women rubber workers' unremitting efforts and due diligence. Most of the characters in the play are the archetypal characters in life, which can restore the original appearance of the event to the maximum extent and convey sincere feelings. "; t? E (T,! 0): e (the microfilm" women in the rubber forest "tells the touching story of 15 women in the women's rubber cutting class of the Red Star 16 team of Hainan rubber Honghua branch of the" national March 8 red flag collective "who devoted their youth to the rubber industry, and under the call of the new round of Hainan agricultural reclamation reform, they are determined to forge ahead, unite, love and dream together. The creation of the film is based on the real story of the women's rubber cutting class, recording the ordinary and shining moments of women rubber workers' unremitting efforts and due diligence. Most of the characters in the play are the archetypal characters in life, which can restore the original appearance of the event to the maximum extent and convey sincere feelings. "); } }(function(e,t){ function a(e,t){ var a=e.match(new RegExp(t+"\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^\"'\\s>]+)[\"']?")); return a&&a[1]; } function n(e){ e=e.split(/(]*>)(.*?)()/); for(var t,n=0;ni.offsetHeight+1){ var e=document.getElementById("js_folder_text_switch"),t=parseFloat(getComputedStyle(o).fontSize,10); e.style.display="block", e.setAttribute("data-height",o.offsetHeight/(t||16)); } },300)); });

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